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Вакансия: официант
30-06-2008 - 30-09-2008

Фирма Прага

Зарплата: 0 гривен
Город: Ужгород
Опыт работы: от 3 года/лет
Оформление: Постоянное
Пол: не имеет значения

Дополнительная информация:

Waiter / WaitressRequired: Hotel PRAHA**** UZGHOROD is looking for suitable candidates for the position waiter/ waitress for the restaurant and bars. We require good knowledge of English, education or experience in the restaurant area is an advantage but not a condition. Strong guest service orientation is essential.

Offer:Work in 4**** hotel with international background Possibility of further training and education Indefinite period contract, competitive salary, other non-monetary benefits

Start date: August 2008

Other information:In case you are interested in the position please submit your CV to